
The Council of Higher Education issued the Higher Education Institutions Disabled Counseling and Coordination Regulation, published in the Official Gazette dated 20 June 2006 and numbered 26204. In the 8th article of the regulation, Higher Education Institutions Disabled Student Units are defined and are foreseen to be established in each university. By the rule, a University Disabled Service was established in Kilis 7 Aralik University in April 2008.


The Purpose

To minimize the difficulties that students with disabilities may encounter during their education, campus, and dormitory life at Kilis 7 Aralik University and to make necessary arrangements in this direction.



Operating Procedure of the Services


a) To identify students with disabilities and to request a medical report showing their disability.


b) To determine the needs of students according to their disability characteristics


c) Collaborating with the relevant units of the university to provide the necessary support 

Last Updated on: 2023-12-22 11:01:30

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